The Universal Soul- Set on Planet Earth, in one timeline, the soul’s integration process begins and magically unfolds into the revelation of spirit and communion of the lower and higher soul source energies. From the Adam and Eve to the White Wing Horsemen of Nine, the transformation and restoration of the disparity between the polarities initiates the final calling of those who in soul contract co-created the divine plan and who in peace shall now become one. The hierarchies have arrived and through their process have mastered the experience of the untold and the unexpected gain has been bestowed upon them from the universal source as they draw from each other, their strength, wisdom and commitment is unparalleled and second to none. The spiritual battle between good and evil has begun as End Game has been initiated on Earth. Terra continues its transformation in order to ascend and chaos forces disparity upon the planet, the source of unconditional love as Grace is eminent and shed upon the planet by the arrival of the “CHOSEN ONES”, the Guardians, and now those who are preparing have the only resource they will require to ascend themselves into the new Divine plane.