The Guardians-Set in the timeframe of Earth’s pre-existence with the council of nine who are the first co-creators of the divine plan and the relationship between Planet Nibiru and what would be Planet Earth. These guardians are the oldest inhabitants of the cosmos and have been the biggest Earth boundary line creators and violators from the beginning of mantime, yet the race most likely to return home due to their mastery of experience, desire to surpass and homage they hold for the only one true divine source. The well respected plan is to create a lower density plane and then to return home into a higher frequency unified source after integrating the lower and higher soul source energies and dense bodies into one perfect twin flame micro of the macro form on one higher plane. The effervescent and meticulous nature of pure thoughtless form, as originally planned, unified by divine will and purposely escaping the imprisonment of egoic free will for eternity will bring forth a master race, by desire, second to none throughout the Cosmos. This story is Bold and Untold like never before have we heard a truth with such vibration that it, in itself can restore divinity onto mankind. The unfolding represents a truth so well hidden; no man has held the privilege to bestow this wisdom upon Terra and its inhabitants until now. The true soul source shall be revealed and conjoined with that of others until the unification of communion of every being is delivered from evil and returned home into a higher plane of existence. The separation within shall be transmuted by the highest of love and light and each entity on Terra shall become their own chord in the operatic symphony of mankind playing for the garden of Eden to return and the glory of the Godhead shall be present in one and all as Terra ascends into the galactic playground. This devout plan is initiated by the Guardians of the “one whole soul source”, whom by birthright have been delivered from evil and will return in physical form to bleed into humanity the “way” and brings about a new species unto heaven on earth.